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Join Me in Koh Phangan, Thailand!

Hello Big Souls!!

I am very grateful for the couples training I received in England. I had set an intention to balance my Feminine/Masculine energy and Suta intuitively did a beautiful process on me that I am excited to share. It was an amazing transformational experience training with Master Suta. 

I promised a picture of the dress I bought from the Goddess Temple so there you have it.

My next challenge was to find my way to Thailand, then to the island of Koh Phangan!

I woke up early and it was raining. I packed up my carry on and back pack, walked a mile to catch a bus, rode two hours to Bristol from Glastonbury. I unknowingly passed the bus stop that takes me to the train station, so I had to get on another bus to go back to the train station. 🙁

I was sitting on the edge of my seat for the short ride back because I had my huge back pack on ready to get off the bus soon, then suddenly the bus driver hit the brakes and I slammed into a metal pole in front of me with my right arm. UGH!!! It left a huge bruise on my arm for over two weeks afterwards.

I road the train as far as it would go to Paddington, got off and found a Heathrow train to the airport. Waited four hours for a flight to Munich, then at 10:30 PM, took a flight to Bangkok and arrived the next day at 10:00 AM.

From Bangkok I had the choice of a cheap 12 hour bus ride then another boat ride to the Island, or take a 45 minute flight to Koh Samui! What would you do, save money or time?

I stayed in a hotel for the night because it was too late to get a flight to Koh Samui. This gave me time to slow down, whew!

 I was walking down the street from the hotel to find a store after sitting for the entire day and passed a group of women offering a Thai massage. I said YES!  It was just what I needed….. She kept asking, “You sure you want me to go deep?” I said YES! It was an amazing massage.

The next morning, I got a ride to the airport, flew to Koh Samui, got a ride to the port. Waited two hours for the boat ride, took a 30 minute boat ride to the island of Koh Phangan.

I had paid for a ride to the hotel at the airport but no one claimed my receipt, so I was asking who was going to my hotel. One guy walked up and offered to take me if I paid him 1000 Thai Baht! It sounded like a lot, I walked away and another guy from the same van offered 600 Baht!

So… Here I am on the island of Koh Phangan, welcome to the heat! Wow!

To catch you up, I have already taken a month-long teacher training in Greece. I wanted to get officially certified by Samma Karuna, (one of the world’s best tantra training centers).

This internship at Samma Karuna is intense and very precise. That is what I came for, to be trained by the best.

They gave me one day to create my own class, and I felt the challenge as if I was thrown into the deep end. After facilitating the Tantra class I created on my own, I sat down with my amazing mentor for his feedback. He had over three long pages critiquing every detail of my class. It was challenging but exciting that he cared enough because, from my experience, the small details will take something from ordinary to extraordinary. I was very grateful for his time and expertise. I was excited to know that I can do much better, even though my students loved the class.

We are trained to follow a protocol they call Tantra Bread, designed to put you in flow from your head to your heart. We as facilitators must pay attention to every nuance because it is all about leading you into Being not doing.

I can see why this is considered one of the world’s best tantra training centers. I also have access to take all the breath work, yoga, and Osho meditation, which is an active meditation that is very challenging. This is all perfectly designed to help keep me on track and out of my head.

That is a huge challenge for me, so I have been spending 2 hours every night and early morning meditating on the beach. Having access to the beach at moonlight has been amazing.

When I meditate, I also use my voice for toning. I was on the beach early one morning singing with my headphones on in a hammock. The manager of Samma Karuna came down to the beach to drink his coffee and he heard me singing. He said, “I didn’t know where it was coming from, I thought it was the voice of an angel. It brought healing to my heart, it opened my heart up.” That was kind of unprecedented and surprising to me to receive such a compliment because I am embarrassed to sing in public.

I offered to do a constellation for my mentor Brady, who is training me. It blew everybody away how deep we went into his parental imprint. What impressed me was how good everyone was at representing. They had never done it before, yet both men and women were representing with ease. Most likely because of the Awakening program that they have available for everyone here.

The owner of the center asked me to do a constellation for him. I said yes, of course! The word is getting around about it, so they have a couple of days scheduled for the locals to sign up for constellations. That was unexpected and very cool.

The food here is very cheap. The yogurt made of coconut milk is amazing, and I can have fresh mango anytime. They have an amazing restaurant owned by the Samma Karuna center, so my diet has been great.

So long for now until next week.

Warmest regards,

Shauna Lynn  
Relationship Mentor and Shadow Expert


“Discover the transformative power of Tantra and Family Constellation! Schedule a strategy session with our Relationship Mentor and Shadow Expert today.”


“This is the tantric definition of our sexuality: the return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness. The greatest sexual thrill of all is not a search for thrills, but a silent waiting – utterly relaxed, utterly mindless. One is conscious, conscious only of being conscious. One is consciousness. One is contented but there is no content to it. And then there is great beauty, great benediction.”

“Family constellations kept my marriage together when it was about to fall apart. After 2013 something shifted and I began to sort through my past with memories and feelings surfacing that I had ignored and buried for many years. I became aware of ancestral trauma and emotional patterns that were suddenly tearing on all of my relationships. During the constellations these issues, events, and emotions were shown, sorted out, and healed. And there was a lot. From events of war and holocaust to leaving my home country, I was able to heal and clear the impact and because of it feel light and free.”

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