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Relationship Alchemy

The term “alchemy” is derived from the Arabic word al-kīmiyā’ which means “the art of transmuting.” Relationship Alchemy is the art of Self Love. It’s the act of turning lead into gold; base metals into precious ones. In other words, it’s the ability to see the beauty, goodness and value in ourselves – and others – regardless of what is happening on the surface. This transmutation is necessary for your ascension, your path of evolution on this earth.

Journey Into The Heart Offers An 8 Day Retreat In Zion

Imagine if you could attend a powerful event with follow up online training and magically transform your relationship with anyone you know simply because you have special tools that make you irresistible and lovable.

Are you tired of paying for retreats only to find yourself back into that revolving door of limiting patterns that do not serve you?

Learn new ways to navigate triggers that used to shut down you or your partner. Discover how to satisfy their deepest needs,  have mind-blowing sex, and  reawaken the passion.

Journey into the Heart staff take your needs seriously. Because we do the work on the energetic level as well as the physical level, we offer lasting solutions that make huge improvements even after you integrate back into your reality. If you prefer, you may qualify to have your own private 2 day experience.

Why energetic?

You only know 10% of who you are. the other 90% is running your life.  We first help you discover your own self-love and help you heal your own inner conflict.

Relationship Alchemy Concept Explained

Mastering Sovereignty Course Online~Live With Shauna

In short, Relationship Alchemy 8-day retreat is the most powerful, life-changing ancestral trauma clearing you will ever experience. Using Family Constellation Therapy, you are on the path to creating fulfilling, lasting relationships – with others and most importantly with yourself.

If you prefer, you may qualify to have your own private 2 day experience

If you are ready to step onto this deep path of evolution, I invite you to set a strategy session with Shauna Cuch to see if you qualify, and to explore the benefits and options of our Relationship Alchemy experience. You can also sign up and get certified in Mastering Sovereigty, our Relationship Alchemy 8-week online live course so that you can begin practicing self-love techniques. Experience the magic and watch as your confidence and self-love expand and your relationships begin to transform before your eyes because you have the tools necessary for your evolution.

You will have tools to address the seven biggest reasons for relationship failure

How to set boundaries without making each other wrong

How to communicate and get resolution in the midst of extreme anger and conflict

How to make a strong loving request that overrides complaints

How to be in flow in partnership and negotiation

How to create your world with your word

How to find sovereignty rather than codependency

Co-creating mind-blowing sex causing healing, connection, bliss, an fulfillment

Relationship Alchemy 8-Day Retreat

We have created a special 8 day event that is beyond anything you have ever experienced, as we are told by most all participants.
Relationship Alchemy is a very deep and intense 8-day retreat that is designed to clear your ancestral baggage, flush out unhealthy patterns from your past, and create a new version of you metaphysically.

(private options are available)

This is designed only for those who really want change in their life. In support of those who are willing to take this journey, we require a high level of commitment from every participant. We ask that everyone who comes is prepared to go all in. If you do your part, we absolutely know that your life will change whether you believe it or not. You will create the connection to a higher love and intimacy that you never imagined possible.
The combination of 8 full days of Constellations, both ancestral and personal combined, clear old patterns with a powerful alchemy for lasting change.
Why 8 days?

The intense depth created by 8 full days of four generations of ancestral constellations take participants so much deeper than a weekend event. Dr. Fannin, who did a before and after study with brain mapping and energy reading (video available) of our event, agreed that each day the frequency of the group went higher and the constellations went much deeper.
This is very unique to Shauna’s own personal method of constellations. You will feel safe and confident enough to witness and observe what is in your space. Everything that shows up was in your energy field, distracting, draining, resisting, and dominating your actions

Mastering Sovereignty 8-week course online~Live With Shauna

This course is all about Mastering Sovereignty. It includes information and wisdom Shauna has gained from doing years of constellations. She has observed through her practice, what causes disruptions in the family system that affect relationships and families. She has compiled all of this into a 8 week 21/2 hour live online training she will share with you. You will be given your own copy of the Journey Into The Heart Relationship Alchemy workbook and a certification that gives you a free pass to take the course over as often as needed to go even deeper. You will cherish this valuable one-of-a-kind tool to refer to even after the course is complete. This brings completion to the missing pieces in your life including role play and deep discussions that may very well bring up unwanted patterns that no longer serve you.

Why Women Think Men Are Misbehaving - 6 Online Webinar

(FREE of cost for Conscious Community Members)

The male and female energies are completely opposite for many reasons. We call these energies: Hunter/Gather. Conflict happens over innocent mis-communications that cause pain and turmoil. Understanding the differences brings unification of these energies. You can finally come to a place of balance, harmony, and epic levels of intimacy. This awareness is very powerful in bringing peace and compassion to how you deal with one another. These six lessons include inspired actions of practice to help put these into your tool box of genius.

Book a FREE strategy call to hear more about this retreat, Schedule a consultation with Shauna

Upcoming Relationship Alchemy Retreats

One Truth Sacrament Ceremony

We may also purchase the option to spend 2 days in a medicine space in Zion to top your 8 days off with a deep spiritual cleansing. We provide the transportation but you must work the details out with Shaman Brigham.

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