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From Glastonbury to Thailand: A Journey of Growth and Connection

I have enjoyed sharing with you the incredible journey I’ve experienced learning tantra from the mystical lands of Glastonbury to the serene shores of Thailand. This has been nothing short of life-changing, filled with profound learning, teaching moments, and the most amazing connections with people from all walks of life. The blend of ancient future wisdom and vibrant new experiences have left an indelible mark on my soul. I can’t wait to let you in on all the insights and wisdom gained along the way.

During my time in Glastonbury, I immersed myself in the rich spiritual and historical atmosphere of the area. I learned more about the history, not only did Mary Magdeline and Mother Mary spend time there, but the womb rituals were an integral part of the history to bring the Masculine/Feminine energy into balance. This is very intriguing to me because I feel called to unearth information on the womb that has been kept hidden for years during the oppression of the patriarchy in an attempt to disrupt the power of Sacred Union practices with men and women, the journey to God-realization, to reach the state of bliss that is possible.

This left me with deep insights into the interplay of masculine and feminine energies. The town, known for its spiritual significance, provided the perfect backdrop for exploring these concepts on a personal level while learning about couples tantra from Master Suta.

The energy there is palpable, a unique blend of the ancient and the mystical. It’s a place where you can feel both the masculine and feminine energies intertwined, inviting a deeper understanding and balance within oneself. After all, it is said to be the heart chakra of Mother Earth.

I not only discovered the importance of understanding these concepts intellectually but doing my own work, feeling them deep within my Soul. As a result of the change that took place from within, I can now bring the experience of unity from within into my workshops. I guide participants to connect with both their Masculine and Feminine sides, helping them find harmony within themselves and with each other. It’s amazing to see the transformations that happens when we heal the separation within us. This is an absolute necessity in order to bring the change in our relationships from without.

Then there was Thailand. Oh, how I miss those sunsets by the infinity pool! My time in Summa Kruna an was an amazing experience. This beautiful retreat center on the island of Koh Phangan is dedicated to self-realization and healing, offering a sanctuary where people can explore various spiritual practices, including tantra.

Teaching tantra four days a week at Samma Karuna was a profound experience. Tantra, at its core, is about connection—connection to oneself, to others, and to the universe. It’s a path that embraces the totality of existence, integrating body, mind, and spirit. At Samma Karuna, I was both a teacher and a student, immersed in a community that lives and breathes these principles.

The environment at Samma Karuna is incredibly supportive. Imagine waking up to the sounds of nature, surrounded by lush greenery and the gentle lapping of waves. Every day was an opportunity to learn and grow, not just through teaching but through the interactions with fellow practitioners from around the world. This sense of community is something I strive to replicate in my workshops.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned in Thailand was the power of teaching people slowing down with Tantra and taking the time needed to bring the awareness into your body.

My mentor provided detailed feedback after each session, and I made it a habit to record and listen to it. This practice kept me grounded and focused, ensuring I stayed present with my students. It’s something I have incorporated into my 3-day workshop and it was powerful. I always encourage participants to share their experiences and insights, creating a space for mutual growth. This entire experience has given me the confidence to make a huge impact that will benefit my participants here in US.

What stood out the most was the sense of community that came from it all. Whether it was fellow teachers, students, or just people I met along the way, each interaction added a layer to my understanding and teaching of tantra. Hosting parties and being the eldest among the younger crowd was another highlight. It was a beautiful exchange of wisdom and fresh perspectives. I learned from them as much as they did from me.

These experiences from Glastonbury and Thailand have deeply enriched my workshops. I’ve learned to create spaces where people feel safe to explore their energies and share their journeys. The blend of mystical insights from Glastonbury and practical, grounded experiences from Thailand helps me offer a unique, holistic approach to personal growth.

I’m excited about the future, especially with the 3-day life-changing tantra workshop. It feels like the perfect opportunity to bring all these learnings together especially for couples to deepen their connection and intimacy through tantra and find the freedom that sovereign relationships have to offer.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Your support means the world, and I can’t wait to share more experiences and insights with you.

Shauna Lynn
Relationship Mentor and Shadow Expert

“Never, even by your gestures, make the other person feel guilty. That is the greatest crime humanity has been committing: making people guilty. If the other feels guilty because of very deep rooted conceptions, help them to be free of the guilt” – Oshoe

“Family constellations kept my marriage together when it was about to fall apart. After 2013 something shifted and I began to sort through my past with memories and feelings surfacing that I had ignored and buried for many years. I became aware of ancestral trauma and emotional patterns that were suddenly tearing on all of my relationships. During the constellations these issues, events, and emotions were shown, sorted out, and healed. And there was a lot. From events of war and holocaust to leaving my home country, I was able to heal and clear the impact and because of it feel light and free.”

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