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Were They a Power Couple?

Hello Big Soul!

Thanks for joining me on my new adventure to England and Thailand to learn from the masters and discover more about conscious sexuality and the creation of Divine Sexual Evolution! 

Even before my sons passing, I spoke with him about my promptings to learn more about tantra to balance out the family constellation healing work that I love so dearly. I feel he has been with me, inspiring me on my journey.

Bringing Spirit and the purity of sex back into the bedroom is my mission and vision. According to my understanding of the history, Yeshua and Mary Magdalen  were a power couple. Yeshua treated her as an equal. She was labeled a whore only because she wore a golden serpent on her arm that only initiates trained in the Sex Magic school of Isis could wear.  What the initiates were taught in that school were kept a secret under an oath. Yet in her book “Magdalen Manuscript,” she was told by Queen Isis with urgency, it is time to reveal those secrets. Mary Magdalen speaks of the Sacred Union between her and Yeshua.  

This is what inspired me on this path. I encourage you not to follow anyone’s truth, unless it resonate in your heart. You, are your own guru, we all have the truth from within. To know thyself is to discover what your truth is.

This is not about religion, it is about my passion for finding my truth and sharing it with others who might be searching for something more in life than conventional sex.

My understanding of white tantra is all about bringing the Spirit  of the Masculine/Feminine into balance in order to reach your God realization from within. That is my journey here in Glastonbury, England and Thailand, to learn from the masters who are devoted to Sacred Union. 

Is it a technique you may ask? It is simply learning a state of Being present and aware, bringing these two characteristics  of the Masculine/Feminine giving/receiving energies into balance during your love making. Thank you for joining me on this soul finding mission for truth.

In these last five days, I have been deeply touched by what I am learning from Suta, a Master who has devoted his life to these hidden mysteries. His genuine love for the truth, his professional approach in how to convey his wisdom. The way he calls upon Source to guide him into meeting my inquiries and search  for truth and healing. 

I planned to spend a few days after to integrate, discover more about the Spirit of the land and get a feel for the very place that Mary Magdalen may have spent much of her life after Yeshua transitioned.

What makes Glastonbury truly magical is its ability to offer a unique experience to each visitor. Whether you come seeking spiritual enlightenment, historical insights, or simply a peaceful retreat, Glastonbury has something to offer. Its mystical energy and rich tapestry of myths create a space where the veil between worlds feels thin, inviting you to explore the deeper dimensions of your own Spirit.

As I walked through the town, visited the ancient sites, and felt the energy of the ley lines, I realized that Glastonbury was not just a destination, but a journey within myself. It mirrored back to me the energy I brought, helping me to see my own spirit more clearly.

If you are open to it, Glastonbury will show you the magic that resides within you. It is a place where history, legend, and spirituality converge, offering a unique and transformative experience.

I was invited to a full moon ceremony in the Mary Magdalene Chapel by the locals. It was a beautiful Mayan Cacao Ceremony, the description they gave of the ceremony is below. . . . . 

 “AVALON VIVO will activate a Ceremony of great inspiration, renewed hope and ancestral aromas of roses and tuberose. 🌹

The mission is to anchor the Codes of the SACRED UNION where the divine feminine and masculine are unified by merging into a Single Cosmic Flame summoning the Holy Grail

🐚 Mary Magdalene and Yeshua as a Sacred Complement are our Guides in this Mission: The union of the Twin Flames in each being, thus manifesting the Cosmic Marriage in our beloved GAIA

❤‍🔥 The triune flame has been activated in the hearts of humanity through the crystals that are already awake and emit emanations that move us to places of high vibrational frequency to retake the role as leaders of the actions and purposes that we bring

🌀 We are guardians of the holy triune flame and it is time to meet again in the spaces where we once sealed this memory for the times that call us today

🕊 We will celebrate a sacred Divine Union together with the medicine of sacred cocoa and the 144 beats of the mother drum major. Melodies from a Sacred Harp will sound, thus receiving the Christ Codes of the Brotherhood of the Rose.

We will anchor the VESICA PISCIS in the lands of AVALON
Activate the Inner Sun: It deserves this vision, plant it in your heart like a crystal and let that force of faith manifest it. . . .Uteral Goddess María Lucia AYALA, Sacred Harp and Medicine Songs.”

It was a very beautiful ceremony and what was amazing is how many beautiful Goddesses showed up in lovely attire. Afterwards I went to visit the Goddess Temple nearby and discovered a little shop full of beautiful dresses. I always purchase something to remember my visit so bear with me whilst I show off my selection from the Goddess shop in Glastonbury in my next blog!

Shauna Lynn
Relationship Mentor and Shadow Expert

“I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one’s nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves.”
-Anthony Hopkins

“My only two children, two sons, both died within a five year period. The trauma was so intense that I spent a couple of years in deep grief and then years in psychotherapy. I’m very grateful for the time in therapy and the skills I learned that help me to love myself, forgive and let go. But still there was something deep in me that needed help. In the safety of the “Circle” of Family Constellation, I was able to face the pain that I had buried so deep I didn’t know what it was or how to heal it. In the Circle, the buried emotions came up and out. And in the light of day, those terrifying, buried emotions were seen, heard, expressed and began to lose their power. The Circle initiated a clearing of dense emotions and a clarity which offered me the empowerment I needed to heal and to open myself to love. The Circle has transformed me in ways beyond what I had hoped for.”

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