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Keeping up a Façade

Egypt does not allow any kind of spirituality in there pyramids or their temples from anyone. This event had to fit the façade of a yoga event and a concert.

Mathias made it very clear, do not wear white, do not bring crystals, do not meditate, do not act like you’re praying, or they will kick us out and end our event for good. We saw a display of that at the concert. All of us witnessed what would happen if they even suspected anything spiritual going on.

The concert was overlooking Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx. We were all bussed there it took about 20 or more buses. That included the water fire earth and Air Group. It started out with a singer from Argentina singing two high-energy songs. Then Mathias begin singing his beautiful songs, he has a very beautiful voice. Everything was going fine until one of his songs he said “I call in the spirits.” That’s all it took! They got all excited. The place was surrounded with Egyptian police watching is. Several of us heard them say they were going to shut down the concert. Someone got the word to Mathias as he was singing. They gave him the sign of cutting off the neck. Mathias quickly instructed us all to give a lot of high energy with singing loud and stomping. With nearly 2000 people there we went crazy loud. That did it. They begin to relax and go back to business. It was very apparent that all along they’ve kept an eye on everything we say and do. If they see someone sit down and meditate in the temples that visit they are watching every where and they make you get up. I’m not sure why but it may be because they are a very Muslim country You hear them praying three times a day very loud over speakers. All in all the concert kind of brought it all to fruition. It brought us all together in celebration and helped us connect with the music and dancing while enjoying beautiful scenery of the Sphinx and the Giza Pyramid. The next day after the concert we got up and drove back to the Sphinx at 4 in the morning to close our activation the pyramid. During that time Mathias spoke to us about how he stood in front of the sphinx when he was 12 years old 25000 years ago and wondered how he was going to gather that many people to the sphinx and the pyramid and do what he did. If you get on my Telegram feed called activating the planetary Network, you will see a video of him talking of that story at the sphinx. Shauna Namaste

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